Paint Brush Companies

The Wooster Brush Company produces more than 2,000 products for painters of all skill levels. The company has over 888,000 square feet of manufacturing, shipping, administrative, and warehousing facilities. Our experience in the industry is unmatched—we have 650 dedicated employees with an average of 13 years of service each. High standards of quality and innovation are maintained with in-house engineering, production, graphic design, and printing departments.

Dealing with great companies and sourcing best products, factory seconds and discontinued lines, our aim is to give you incredible value for money! Model Painting Brushes Great value View Collections. Face Painting Brushes Great value View Collections. BRUSHES TO HONE YOUR SKILLS. It is a great pleasure for our company to serve in the custom painting field. We have helped make all kinds of different mediums look more beautiful since 1891. We welcome the feedback of the artist and put a lot of those suggestions into our product line. Just take a look at our signature series section.


The Wooster Brush Company was established in 1851 and is one of the oldest manufacturers of paint applicators in the USA. Our company founder Adam Foss traveled from Pennsylvania to Ohio to set up shop. He began producing handmade bristle paintbrushes in a small, two-story building in Wooster, Ohio, and then sold the brushes door-to-door throughout the state.


The Wooster Brush Company acquired land on Madison Avenue in 1909, and a new factory was built. The structure was 70-feet wide and 200-feet long, providing three times as much floor space as before. The Madison Avenue site in Wooster, Ohio is still the location of company headquarters today.

What is the best brand of paint brushes

Since Adam’s time, the company has elected only ten presidents. Ben Maibach became president on May 1, 2020.

Paint Brush Manufacturer

After more than 170 years in business, Wooster has established many milestones in the industry:

Professional Paint Brushes

  • Invention of popular paintbrush styles such as the angle sash and the Shasta®
  • Development of the “Foss-set” process to cement bristle into paintbrushes
  • First to use nylon filaments to create brushes that performed in latex paints
  • Creation of the Exploded-Tip® process to make soft flags on filament ends
  • First to introduce synthetic fabrics for roller covers, now an industry standard

Paint Brush Manufacturing Companies

American made paint brush companies

What Is The Best Brand Of Paint Brushes

Wooster has continued this tradition of ground-breaking development and today is known as the top applicator innovator. Some of the most popular brands of painting equipment on the market are made by The Wooster Brush Company. Each year, we design more new products than any other high-quality applicator manufacturer.

Wooster Brush has been around for a long time and we are very proud of our history…a history that was forged with a “made in America mentality” and passed from generation to generation. It still has important meaning for us today, and hopefully it has value to you.